Saturday, January 31, 2009

Granite Tile Glossary

We added a couple of new pages to the Easy Granite Tile web site. When you are looking to add keywords, there is nothing better than a glossary. It is almost all keywords! So that was the next step. Here it is:

Granite Tile Glossary

I made the glossary in two pages. Although two pages is slightly inconvenient for the reader, and I generally go for the best experience for the visitor, but this web site has a desperate need for additional pages. The glossary is long enough to realistically divide it into two pages... so we did it. Possibly in the future, when the site is larger, we'll combine the two pages.

If you need to learn about granite tile installation, the first step is to understand the language. The Easy Granite Tile glossary is the place to get started.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Granite Tile Counters For Kitchens And Baths

Here is a new business that has some very unique to sell. The provide granite tile for do-it-yourself installation. What's so unique about that?

Until now it was not possible for a do-it-yourself installation of granite tile counters. The problem is the edges. Granite tile does not come with finished edges. That's because each installation is custom and that requires custom edging. There have been ways to self-edge granite tile, but getting good quality was difficult... let alone getting the outstanding quality that results in a beautiful, luxurious kitchen.

The new business is called Easy Granite Tile. They have developed a online calculator for ordering custom tile for kitchens and bathrooms. You select your counter layout. Enter the dimensions of your counter, and the online calculator will show you how much tile you'll need, the amount and type of edging, and give you a price. You can then place your order and your granite tile will be delivered by Federal Express Freight.

There is a lot of work to do on this web site so that people will see the value and quality they are getting. But I've seen the product myself, and it is outstanding. Plus what I really like is that the owners of the company have put quality and honesty at the top of their must-do list.

Another thing I like about this new service is that a home handyman can install a granite tile counter and, not only will they enhance the beauty of their home, they'll be able to point to beautiful kitchen counters and say, "I did that."

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Search Marking Has Been Good

It's been nearly a year since my last post. Why? Because business has been good and income has been high. In other words, I've been busy. Even now, while everyone else is slowing down I'm adding more clients and could be working 12-7 (12 hours a day, seven days a week) at $100/hour if I chose to do so. Two things have been happening...

In these slow times people are recognizing the power of the internet to increase sales, and even grow their businesses.

Businesses have been getting web sites online, and upgrading existing web sites--creating some beautiful web sites... that don't perform. There's a lot of web activity, but the results are not so good.


Because there are a lot of people who know graphics and how to put a web site together, but they don't know marketing. A beautiful web site that no one sees is a waste of money. A web site that tens of thousands see, but which does not convert visitors, is a waste of money.

It's not about having a good looking web site. It's about having a web site that brings in the sales!

So why am I writing a post? I'll be very blunt... because it's an easy way to get a link for my clients. I had forgotten about this blog. But as I was thinking about links last night it occurred to me that I was wasting an easy way to provide a link... my own blog. So, whenever I feel like it I'll make a post about one of my clients. I'll try to post about each web site early in the marketing process. In most cases business come to me with web sites that have been designed by others and they want me to save their web site. So you'll be able see each web site change as I work with it to change it from something that just occupies space on a hosting server, to a web site that builds a business.

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