Friday, March 11, 2011

Moving Up In Google's Search Results

We're running a test to watch what Google does with a new web site once a link has been posted on Blogger (see the previous two posts).

It is now 38 hours since the first link was posted in this blog. In a search for the name of the web site (I'm not going to mention it this time), Google now has it ranked at #9. So we're seeing the site appear, disappear, and now reappear in the search results.

What I've concluded based on previous testing is that Google will quickly put a new page of site into the search results. But, it will move the link around. I believe Google is testing to see if there is any interest (clicks) in the new page or web site. For now I'm not going to click on the link. Let's just wait and see what happens.

The site has not reappeared in Bing.

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Helping Google Find Your Web Site - The Results

Yesterday I posted about a new web site we're doing some testing with. This web site had been online for several months, with no links going to it. Google did not find it. Why might Google find it? One possibility arises from Google being a domain registrar. This gives them access to the domain registration database they could use to discover new domains.

Yesterday we added a single link to the web site, coming from yesterday's blog post. Here are the results of a search for the web site's name, Be Big On The Web:

Six hours after the link was added to the blog, the web site appeared at the number three position. It had the page title, but there was no description.

Twelve hours after the link was added the description appeared and the web site was in the number six position.

24 hours after the link was added the site no longer appeared in the Google search results, but a search for the domain showed that it was in Google's index.

We're now at the 30 hour point and I've included a link in this post. So we'll have two links from the same blog. Let's see what happens.

By the way, Bing has also picked up this web site. It is in the Bing index but not showing in a search.

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Web Marketing Services Web Site

Whew! We've been busy... as you can tell from the dates on the posts in this blog. But I've come back to the blog with a purpose.

Here is a question? You've got a new web site. How do you get Google to notice your web site and begin including it in the Google search results? What you need are web sites that link to your new web site. Google will notice the links on the existing web sites (assuming they are already included in the Google index), follow them and "discover" your web site.

So how do you get links to your web site. It's brand new. No one knows about it. Maybe no one is even interested in your web site. What do you do?

If you want to Be Big On The Web you've got to take things into your own hands. You've got to create the link(s) yourself, just like I did now.

Actually this is an experiment. I've had the Be Big On The Web site online for about three months, just to see what happens. There are no links going to it. And it is not in Google's index. This was a test to see if Google uses information such as the domain registration to identify new web sites.

Now I've put in a single link (above) using a Blogger hosted blog. Blogger is owned by Google. Will Google find it and begin indexing the web site? If so, how long will it take? Let's find out.

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