Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Using Misspellings

Misspelled words on your web site do not leave your visitors with a good impression. They can even drive away potential customers. However, misspelled words can be an untapped source of leads/sales as searchers enter typos and misspellings in search engines. So how can you take advantage of searches based on misspellings?

Taking advantage of misspellings is particularly attractive because there is typically little competition for the misspelled terms. It is relatively easy to create a web site featuring misspelled terms, that appears at the the top of the search results.

What I've done for one client is to set up a web site that is dedicated to misspelled brand names. Products are identified and described throughout the website using common misspellings of their names. In addition, the content is all unique, not a cut and paste of the content from this client's main web site. The result has been a web site usually shows up in the #1 position in search results, and it is the client's fourth best source of leads.

Why don't visitors get a negative impression from all the misspelled words?

Because there is a big disclaimer at the top of each page that says (paraphrased), "This web site features misspellings of some of the top brand names. We've created this web site in case you should make a typo when doing search, so that you can still find the brand name product you are looking for."

I just tell the visitor what is going on, so they know they've arrived at a web site on which the brand names have been deliberately misspelled... for their benefit. It works great!


At Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:20:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would you do if you had just one domain? Is there a way to promote misspellings using one domain?


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